Monday, September 12, 2011

Office Visit

I made it to the office for my first meeting with little trouble.  In typical fashion, I left myself 1 ½ hours to get here, but needed less than half that amount of time.  The office is beautiful and in striking contrast to the many worn down and decaying buildings which surround it.  There is one in particular I must photograph.  The wall to the unit is blown out (could this be from the war??), except for the air conditioning unit that remains.  The amount of new construction downtown is impressive.  There are large cranes littering the landscape.  -- Update... I will not actually be working in this office, but in another across the street -- I'll see tomorrow if the setting is a spectacular.

My remaining goals for today are:

Get my dryer working.  How it is that they managed to fix the washing function, and didn’t test the dryer is someone beyond me. -- Update - it works.  Apparently the 1/2 load button needs to be pressed in for the dryer function to turn on.  This will be useful information for anyone who decides to buy a second hand model IG 95 LA washer / dryer combo.
Learn how to get to the airport.  Being as I volunteered (preemptive since I assumed I’d be asked) to welcome my coworkers at the airport, it would be wise to know how to get there – and to their hotel.  I’ll make a few dry runs before their arrival.  "Learning" for today means studying google maps and marking a route.

There are a myriad of other things I could attack today as well, but I was never an overachiever and have not intentions of starting now!

Last and most importantly before I sign off...  Not only do the incredible housekeeping staff make my bed and clean the floors... they also wash the dishes and put them away.  I know this not because I left dirty dishes in the sink purposefully, but because I had just finished making lunch when they arrived.  And, when I finished eating, (Jill take lessons!) she came over, removed it from the table in front of me, and cleaned it.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know Rhoda was in Kuwait! (Seriously, this post has been up for a month and no one else made this comment?)

    Brett - just found this. It is fantastic! Hope you are enjoying your experience, and enjoy your visit home.
