Saturday, September 10, 2011


I thought I had it all figured out, but I don't.  I've spent the last hour trying to google Ignis 95 LA -- the brand and model number -- but nope, no luck.  

Here's what I have managed to do so far:
  1. Locate where the detergent goes
  2. Open the door
  3. Fill the machine
  4. Find the on button (right most of the 5 white ones in the middle)
This is my issue...  I believe the first large knob is the water temperature, which I have set to 30.  The middle knob I believe is the drying time (if someone can confirm, that would be amazing).  Lastly, I don't know what the numbers 1-16 means.  I can get the machine to make all sorts of fill and draining noises, but the drum never spins.....

I've attached a picture, so if you know what to do, or want to offer random advice, I'd be happy to try all suggestions and let you know how they go.


  1. Update: The maintenance/secure force along with the manager arrived with a screw driver. They turned the knobs, pushed the buttons, talked to each other in arabic and then told me they will replace it.

    Now I am just left wondering how long that will take. On the plus side, I was informed they will clean the apartment daily (as long as I don't tell the management company - Meteb I hope you aren't reading this) and the towels whenever I leave them on the floor in the bathroom.

  2. We had the same problem trying to use air conditioners in Mexico last month and in Argentina.

    In both cases, I ended up with a solid block of ice with the air conditioner embedded somewhere within. While, puzzlingly, the room was still hot.

  3. I just moved to Kuwait and have encountered the same problem. Did you ever figure out how to power your ignoble ignis?

  4. I'm in Dubai using this damn washing machine for over a year and still don't know how to use it.
