Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Celebrating the New Year

I asked myself...  "what better way is there to ring in the new year, than to visit the Grand Mosque?", and couldn't come up with a better idea.  So, off I went.  Arranged for an early morning wake up call, chowed down on some pancakes, slurped some coffee and hopped into a cab.  I had seen the mosque from the road when I first arrived and thought it would be a nice to stop by.  The craftsmanship and stunning beauty of this place is like nothing I've ever seen.  The size (2nd largest in the Middle East -- I believe the one in Saudi is larger), and attention to detail is mind-blowing.  What you might not be able to appreciate from the photos is that everything is marble, and all of the floral patterns are inlays.

Click "Read More" for additional photos

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