Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Avenues

I've now made two attempts, and spent a total of 3 hours trying to find the largest mall in Kuwait.  Supposedly it should be very easy to get to, but for those that know me well "a sense of direction" is not something I possess.  After finally making my way back to the apartment and carefully studying google maps (note you can't do point to point directions with google maps in Kuwait) I decided to give it another shot.  I filled up with gas (2KD for nearly 3/4 of a tank) and hit the 5th ring road.  I think this time I turned around just an exit or two too early.  Tomorrow I shall try again.

P.S. The wash function is working, but I still haven't figured out how to get the dryer going.  I'm beginning to think there was a reason the last person who lived here left a drying rack in the bedroom.

P.P.S. The housekeeper made my bed this morning (which was nice) and apparently doesn't like where I keep the garbage pale in the kitchen as she has twice now moved it back under the sink.  It kind of feels like how Mary is with Mia's things.

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