Friday, September 9, 2011

Getting Here

Here's how it went….  got soaked on the way to the airport, but not in the way you might expect.  Yes, it was pouring out, but I made it safely into the car without issue.  It was only while in the car, nearly to the airport that the soaking occurred.  The driver had the passenger window cracked open and a large semi passed on our right.  As his front tire was even with the passenger window, the truck struck a huge puddle and sprayed a massive wall of water into the car. 
After safely landing in London, I begged my way into the lounge (quite nice) to print my visa that arrived to my email overnight.  Amazingly there is no other business center in the NY or London.  Even less amazing is after all that effort, the copy was of no use (see below for more details).
Sitting patiently and waiting for the flight to Kuwait to board a scary realization hit me.  This is to be an overnight flight and there are more passengers under 5 than over 5.  It is at this moment I (1) regretted my decision to by the Sony and not the Bose Noise Cancelling headphones and (2) popped a second Xanax to ensure I was counting sheep the entire flight.
And now I wait….  after hunting down a printer, it turns out the original is what is required.  I might otherwise be worked up, but the Xanax I took to sleep on the plane haven’t worn off completely yet!  Finally I get through customs and am welcomed by a nice man who speaks little english.  He hands me a phone, takes me to the rental counter for the car, drives me to the apartment…. and then quickly leaves.  I'm now alone and realize there is no toilet paper in the bathroom. 
Have no fear, it all ended well.  I  hopped into the car, landed at the Mega Center, and am now somewhat stocked with food.  

I'd like to keep going, but I have a wedding to attend.  Yes.  You read correctly.  I'll have details tomorrow.

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