Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Maybe Time For A New Sign??

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pop Up

Pop Up shops have made there way to Kuwait.  What can possibly be next?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cookies and Ear Muffs

Home made chocolate chip cookies imported to Kuwait = so good!

I'm only wishing I had just one, not two as my supply is limited.  Tomorrow I will attempt to exercise self control and not have any (very low probability of success).

On a completely different topic, I've seen tons of people walking around with ear muffs and hats in the morning when I head to the office.  I'm quite confused by this behavior.  I think the temperature this morning was about 50 degrees.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm Back

After some much needed family time, I'm now back in Kuwait.  Clearing customs took no time.  Getting my bags, just as fast.  Finding the car in the parking lot was a different story.  It was definitely not where I "remembered" parking it.  Next time I probably won't rely on memory alone.

Once in the car, it was smooth sailing home.  I hit a police checkpoint on the 5th Ring (about 5 minutes from my apartment).  They were checking registration, ID, etc.  I flashed my passport and was waved right through.  It is good to be American in Kuwait.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

For about the 3rd day in a row we are getting hammered with about 2 or 3 drops of rain a day!  I actually saw someone outside with a plastic bag completely over his head and face.

Umbrellas aren't that easy to find here, but really, plastic bag on your face??

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Solo Mission

I'm flying solo again in Kuwait.  My trusty sidekick has gone off to the US for training, and I'm manning the fort.  So far so good though.  I managed to get a descent amount accomplished during the work day, mostly follow-ups from the success meetings we had last week when the team from the States were in town.

Just as importantly, my suit was ready.  I arrived at the tailor (Fitwell Tailor) and found everything was completed to my satisfaction.  Yesterday I was beginning to lose faith that it would be ready before I leave  Tuesday AM for New York, but they pulled through.

Now it is off to get some dinner.  I've let my food stock run low, so off for the next two evenings I'm off to a local take out place.  Order from these places is an adventure because I've found the people working behind the counter don't speak English well, and I don't speak Arabic at all.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some Truths About Kuwait

1. There is rarely, if ever, a sense of urgency.
2. Shortcuts will unapologetically be taken whenever possible, even at the expense of quality.
3. It is important to know rules #1 and #2 when living in Kuwait.

For example, I went to pick up my suit today.  This was the second time I've gone to pick it up (see #1).  I was most recently told it would be ready by Tuesday.  The suit looks great, except the working button holes on the sleeves I requested weren't made (see #2).  When I first arrived and bought my first suit the button holes weren't made and I accepted a lesser product... but not this time.

So, fingers crossed tomorrow afternoon the suit will be ready...  want to make a bet?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Back To The Grind

Over the past week, a host of visitors from the NYC office were in town.  I was out of the apartment as early as 5:30AM, and often back home well after 10:00 or 11:00.  It was refreshing and exhausting all at the same time.

In addition to the meetings and reception to celebrate the office opening, we managed to get in a few hours on the water.  Unlike my first fishing adventure, on this one, the tides and current worked in our favor.  In under two hours, we caught about 50 fish (6 different varieties) between 6 people.  It wasn't uncommon to have two fish hooked at one time.

This picture represents about half of what we caught.  (Not to worry, all of the fish will be eaten)

A traditional fishing boat, called a Dow, heading back to shore.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fishing From The Beach

I went today to have a suit fitting.  The folks at Fitwell Tailor are A+.  My suit will be ready on Tuesday in time for the Reception.  I'm thinking of getting a classic blue blazer made next.

On the way home, I passed a few people fishing along the beach.  One guy was using a net, and another person was comfortably seated in a chair with a hooka.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I Was Warned... But I Didn't Listen

If anyone ever suggests that you run an errand at the airport when the pilgrims return from the Hajj, don't take their advice.  Although it wasn't as bad as it could have been, the parking lots, roads, and portions of the airport itself were blocked off.  A simple 20 minute task took closer to an hour.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cricket Photos

I've finally gotten around to pull my pictures off the camera.  Below are the overdue cricket pictures.

Good Morning....

Pigeons Suck

Forgive my vulgar heading, but I truly hate pigeons.  For whatever reason, Kuwaitis (not all mind you) really like them, and the "bodegas" sell seed to feed them.  Right outside the office is a pigeon feeding group, and I'm pretty certain one day soon I'm going to get nailed by one of these guys.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Good For You.... Not So Good For Me

How is it 56 in NY right now and only 52 in Kuwait?  Furthermore, how is the low for the day 54, but the current temperature is reading 52?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nescafe? No way.

On the down side, everyone else in the country is enjoying a week off while I'm slaving away preparing for a week of all day back to back meetings.

On the upside, I've treated myself to something other than instant coffee to get the day started.

Probably not an even trade, but as close as I'm going to get for the time being.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Subway Expansion

The 50th Subway location in Kuwait has now opened.  That now makes one additional place I won't be eating at while in Kuwait.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Chance of Rain

The weather report says there is a chance of rain over the next day, and the temperature is going to drop to a low of 48 overnight on Wednesday.  Somehow the 110 degree temperatures from early September seem attractive again.

Monday, October 31, 2011


The first car I rented in Kuwait, a 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer had a tape deck.  I thought it was silly, if not a bit behind the times.  Then I was walking in the market the other day and saw an entire store dedicated to selling cassette tapes!  I have to double check at the Virgin store to see if they sell tapes as well.  I hope not.... but you never know.

In case you are curious, the car I have now has a CD player and not tape deck.

Something Important

I had a great observation to share.... and then I forgot what it was...  but now I remember.

As I was driving home tonight, taking a completely new (out of the way) path home, I ended heading down a road much like any other in the US.  There were two lanes, one in each direction, and a dotted line of paint between the two.  What made this road so special though were the 5 cars (3 facing one way and 2 the other) randomly parked in the middle of the road.  Who does this?

Oh Kuwait, you make me laugh and scare me all at the same time.  

Sunday, October 30, 2011


On Friday I was driving around a random part of town when I happened upon a Cricket match.  Men were gathered in a sandy lot (not an ideal location) having a grand time.  Every few minutes the ball would escape into the road, but that didn't seem to bother anyone.  The men were all expatriates, and likely enjoying their one day off for the week.  I have photos which will be uploaded soon.

Friday, October 28, 2011

New Orleans Re-Mix

I remember back in my early college years at Tulane there was a (in)famous drink called the shark attack. To make the drink, you to take a blue tinted alcoholic beverage and then fill a rubber shark with grenadine.  From there, the bartender inserts the shark into the drink and turns the water red.

Today I saw a different take on the shark attack.  I went to the Aquarium (which by the way is head and shoulders above the zoo) and saw a display like I've never seen before.  Two sharks started attacking each other.  Now, maybe it was play... but it sure didn't look like it.  The one had head the other in his mouth and was dragging, twisting, pulling, pushing..... you get the point.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


As I drive through Kuwait, I'll frequently see 5020 signs.  I just thought it might be a year count, similar to the Jewish Calendar.  It is however ad 50 and 20, and not 5020.  The 50 is to mark the 50th anniversary of Kuwait's Independence, and the 20 is to mark the anniversary of Liberation.

Knowing that, I saw a building downtown with the windows lit up to show a 50, so I drove around the other side expecting to see the 20.  No such luck.... just another 50.  Here are the pictures anyway.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Slightly Unsettling

I was working late in the office tonight when a dude with arms like tree trunks walked into my office.  I speak no arabic, he spoke no english.  I couldn't figure out what he wanted, yet he also didn't leave.  When I finally finished up and headed out I saw there was another guy there as well.

I wouldn't have been concern, except for I was given no warning ahead of time.  More to the point, I was specifically asked to leave the security gate up because someone left keys in the office and they were coming back to retrieve them later in the evening.

In the end, I think they were a painters or handy-men... but still, really... no advance warning?  Tomorrow I'll figure out 911 and how to report where I am!

PS - Mom it really wasn't too bad.  I could have left, but I stayed around and kept working.  His arms are massive though.  I'll do 20 extra push-ups tonight.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Large Mounds of Sand

I've always driven past these very large sand hills near my apartment, but never before took notice.  Today while waiting in traffic, looked over and saw a few SUV's driving over them.  This of course goet me thinking and I quickly pulled off the road, flipped the 4wd switch, hopped up the curb and off I went.

I saw one car stuck in the sand (so I avoided that area), and instead followed the Mercedes sedan.  I figured it was a safest bet....

Tomorrow I'll take some pictures.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Dodge Nitro

Goodbye to the under-powered Mitsubishi I was renting, and hello to the much more Kuwait appropriate Dodge Nitro 4x4.  I can accelerate to highway speeds without leaning my body weight forward, I can climb up curbs to avoid traffic, and more importantly the A/C works.

Now the only challenge is finding parking.  Unlike before, my choice of spots in the cramped garage is somewhat limited.  Oh well...

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I'm back

Flight was uneventful.  Once again, slept through nearly the entire flight from London to Kuwait.  Had my seat actually reclined, maybe I would feel more rested.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Arrived safely and soundly back to NYC last night and am looking forward to spending some much needed time with the family.  Mia and Jill were happy to see me (I expected at least one of the two would be)!

Look for more updates on Kuwait about a week from now.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fishing Kuwait Style

I experienced fishing in Kuwait, and it isn't bad at all.  We headed out after work for a few hours and enjoyed the traditional approach which is: a line, 2 hooks with shrimp as bait and a weight at the bottom.  You hold the line, drop it in the water and wait until you feel a nibble.  My skills are subpar at best.  Although I caught the first fish, after that I only managed to tangle up the lines and lose my bait.

I continue to be impressed with how welcoming people in Kuwait have been.  It was a far more memorable experience than if I chartered a tourist boat.  I can't say enough nice things about the people I've met.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Annona.... aka Sugar Apple

I tried this interesting fruit today.  I'd never seen one before arriving in Kuwait.  You split it open with your hands when they are ripe and eat the pulp inside.  A bit messy, but a worthwhile experience.

You can find more info at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sugar-apple

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Filled The Tank

2.900 KD for 48.3 Liters

also known as

$10.45 for 12.7 Gallons ($0.82/Gallon)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Pictures From The Souk

I finally had a chance to get out and take some photos.  I hope you enjoy them.

At 816 Pages, It Is A Monster

All done.  Finally completed reading The Fitzgeralds & the Kennedys: An American Saga.  I think for my next book, I'll look for something a bit easier to travel with.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Tareq Rajab Museum

The Tareq Rajab Museum is listed as # 2 of 39 sights in Kuwait, and #4 of 66 things to do in Kuwait according to LonelyPlanet (link below image).  Although very nice, I would suggest there might be a bit of grade inflation going on here.  

The museum is close to my apartment, but very difficult to find.  I circled the block about a half dozen times before I snapped a photo of the sign below.  I assumed (first mistake) the arrow meant the museum would be easily identified and just down the street.  In fact there wasn't a sign I could find after this one indicating the museum was anywhere nearby.  Fortunately the 3rd person I asked was able to point me in the right direction.

When I arrived the staff were all sitting on the stoop drinking tea.  They graciously unlocked the doors of me and turned on the lights.  Not sure many people go to the museum at 10:30AM on Fridays.  I'm beginning to realize Friday AM = Do Nothing in Kuwait.


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So yesterday for lunch I went to little ruby's which is actually an offshoot of Ruby's in NYC. Lunch by the way is at 3:00PM, and a late lunch is 5:00PM.

I don't know how people make it through the day. I'm slowly shifting to 1:00 or 1:30, but 3:00 just seems nutty!!

Here's the website for the NYC locations.

The Rumors Are True

People only work until 3:00PM here. I returned from a meeting to take a call and finish some work only to find the office locked.

Fortunately I had taken my car and house keys and could get home.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

View From the Helipad

Panoramic from the helipad on top of a 31 story building. Don't ask how I ended up there!

Monday, October 3, 2011

I'm Stumped

What does one where to a Halloween Party in Kuwait?  That Kuwaitis celebrate a pagan holiday in a muslim country doesn't make sense.   Please offer suggestions.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


After 3 weeks "in country" the office was ready.  The decorations are sparse (there are none), but I'm really not complaining.  Best of all, I'm walking distance to the Souk (market).  Today we went there for lunch which was an experience.  I'm pretty sure there aren't any menus, but for less than 4KD (about $15 USD) we had a salad, two dishes of kabobs, fresh bread, 2 sodas and 2 bottles of water.  For Kuwait that is an absolute bargain.  To call it a restaurant might be a stretch, but the food and the atmosphere were tasty.  I would compare it to chinatown.  You know the food tastes good, but you don't ever want to see the kitchen!

Once the weather turns a little cooler, I'll be to the market more often for fresh fruit and vegetables.

Cool Bottles

Found these great little glass bottles at the store. 250ml in each, so the portions are reasonable.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Who Knew Kuwait Had A Zoo

I forgot to shut off my alarm before going to bed last night, so today started early.  I googled "things to do in kuwait" and sure enough found three great reasons to be happy I was awake at 7:00AM on a Saturday: (1) Kuwait has a Zoo, (2) The Zoo opens at 8:00AM, (3) There are primate exhibits.

So I quickly got dressed, googled mapped Kuwait to see how to get there, and hit the road.  The best way to describe the zoo is to say it aims to be everything the Bronx Zoo isn't.  It is inexpensive, unattractive, and relatively small.

Here are a few pictures.  Click "Read More" at the bottom of the post to see additional ones - especially the lady bug exhibit.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Kids in Front Seat

I was pulling out of the mall this afternoon and snapped this picture through my rear view mirror.  It is a bit grainy, but hopefully you can make out the two small children riding shotgun with mom.  And no, seat bells aren't visible in the picture.

Gettin' It Right

Although the movie ticket was about the same as NY (3KD or about 11 USD), the appointments are much nicer.

I'm seated in a lovely, plush, high backed chair. My soda is human sized and rests comfortably in the cup holder. There's about 2 feet between the aisles, and seats are selected upon purchase, so the mad rush is eliminated.

Popcorn and a soda was less than 4 USD which makes is even better. The only improvement I can think of is the movie selection. I settled on Planet of the Apes because The Smurfs wasn't too appealing!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Love You Abu Dhabi

What a pleasant suprise! I wish I could stay longer in the airport.

The One True King

I only wish I found this "coffee shop" 45 minutes earlier when I first arrived.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Celebrating the New Year

I asked myself...  "what better way is there to ring in the new year, than to visit the Grand Mosque?", and couldn't come up with a better idea.  So, off I went.  Arranged for an early morning wake up call, chowed down on some pancakes, slurped some coffee and hopped into a cab.  I had seen the mosque from the road when I first arrived and thought it would be a nice to stop by.  The craftsmanship and stunning beauty of this place is like nothing I've ever seen.  The size (2nd largest in the Middle East -- I believe the one in Saudi is larger), and attention to detail is mind-blowing.  What you might not be able to appreciate from the photos is that everything is marble, and all of the floral patterns are inlays.

Click "Read More" for additional photos