Sunday, October 2, 2011


After 3 weeks "in country" the office was ready.  The decorations are sparse (there are none), but I'm really not complaining.  Best of all, I'm walking distance to the Souk (market).  Today we went there for lunch which was an experience.  I'm pretty sure there aren't any menus, but for less than 4KD (about $15 USD) we had a salad, two dishes of kabobs, fresh bread, 2 sodas and 2 bottles of water.  For Kuwait that is an absolute bargain.  To call it a restaurant might be a stretch, but the food and the atmosphere were tasty.  I would compare it to chinatown.  You know the food tastes good, but you don't ever want to see the kitchen!

Once the weather turns a little cooler, I'll be to the market more often for fresh fruit and vegetables.

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