Friday, October 7, 2011

Tareq Rajab Museum

The Tareq Rajab Museum is listed as # 2 of 39 sights in Kuwait, and #4 of 66 things to do in Kuwait according to LonelyPlanet (link below image).  Although very nice, I would suggest there might be a bit of grade inflation going on here.  

The museum is close to my apartment, but very difficult to find.  I circled the block about a half dozen times before I snapped a photo of the sign below.  I assumed (first mistake) the arrow meant the museum would be easily identified and just down the street.  In fact there wasn't a sign I could find after this one indicating the museum was anywhere nearby.  Fortunately the 3rd person I asked was able to point me in the right direction.

When I arrived the staff were all sitting on the stoop drinking tea.  They graciously unlocked the doors of me and turned on the lights.  Not sure many people go to the museum at 10:30AM on Fridays.  I'm beginning to realize Friday AM = Do Nothing in Kuwait.

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