Sunday, June 3, 2012

Random Pictures of Bikes

Kuwait, and the Gulf in general, is home to a fantastic assortment of bicycles.  Here are a few I saw and managed to capture during my stay.  Only wish I had my camera on my more often.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh The Joys of Jetlag

After finally getting adjusted to the time change between Kuwait and New York, I'm back in Kuwait and totally thrown off.  Late this afternoon I was absolutely exhausted and now that the evening has arrived I'm wide awake.  This however isn't the important and pressing matter.  What is really on my mind is the following: Why does 37 Celsius (98.6F) feel hot when that is your body temperature?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


How is it that twice today while stopped at a traffic light I was asked for directions, and both drivers were surprised when I didn't speak arabic.  

Friday, April 6, 2012

Decay in Kuwait City

For the past few weeks I've been hunting down a bookstore in Kuwait.  For anyone that has ever been hear before, you'd understand finding oil is a much easier endeavor.  Anyway, I was making my second attempt in as many days to locate Q8 Books and after getting off the 30 heading to Soor St. I passed an old building which is slowly transforming into an automotive junkyard.  All around it, and this is the fascinating part about Kuwait, there are beautiful new towers being built.

Q8 Books has a vast collection (if not a refined selection) of used books.  With no other competition, new or used, I expect to be back next week in search of another book.  Biggest mistake to date on my whole trip... no bringing an e-book.

OSHA Violation

For most of the past few months, I have spent a descent amount of time admiring the construction techniques deployed in Kuwait.  To the untrained eye (that would be me), it generally appears as if the builders are making it up as they go along.  I've yet to see anyone reading over architectural plans or pull out a tape measure.  The building outside my office window however has slowly grown to about 10 stories with what appears to be a 10 man crew laboring away.  Outside my apartment on the other hand, a number of buildings have sprouted in just a matter of days.

All of this construction is generally done with primitive tools.  For example, these are images I snapped from out my window (looking South) of scaffolding being disassembled.  I think I'll stick to my desk job.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Belated Post

As much as I promised to keep writing, and trust me I meant to, I didn't.  The first half of the month was spent in NY, the middle of the month traveling regionally, and the last half with my beautiful wife.  Alas, I'm settling back into the regular routine.  Below are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks.

On a bit of a whim, and without much planning, we drove around the bay to some desert cliffs.  Apparently on a clear day there are beautiful views of Kuwait City.  It was hazy when we went, so I'll make another trip.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

More Car Show Pictures... And A Question

Why (or how) is it that Kuwait can attract such a fine gathering of automobiles from around the world, but  they don't have a zoo worthy of a visit?  I've now been to both the car show and the zoo, and am quite certain more people visited the car show in 4 days than the zoo in 4 years.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Car Show, Kuwait Style

I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of cars the Historical, Vintage & Classic Cars Museum assembled for the show at the Marina.  I'm pretty certain the cars from the movie Car's were the biggest hit with the kids, but the loudest crowd was definitely the folks watching the bikes.

Finally... Camels

I was reading the paper this morning and saw there were camel races going on in Kuwait.  This was like a dream come true.  Unfortunately, no matter how much time I spent trying to find the schedule I couldn't figure it out.  So, I hopped into the car and headed off to Kebd.

I read somewhere that the area still has the feel of the "wild west", which is almost true.  The roads are well warn from the cement trucks and other large vehicles that traverse the road.  Dominating the landscape were power lines, camps, sand and camels.  Finally, I made it to Hollywood's Middle East!

In the end, I managed to find the racetrack, but nothing was happening.  So instead, I drove through the camel breading farms and took in the sites.  My favorite was the tent with a satellite dish (image below).

This Is How I Know I'm Back In Kuwait

Just before I could get my camera out to snap this picture, the third child was hanging out the passenger side rear window as well.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Unclogging My Inbox

Shame on you for thinking this is a bathroom reference.

I've decided to unsubscribe from all junkmail.  I'm thinking this might be a complete waste of time... but it is long overdue. 

Ultimate Edition

I saw a 2009 Crown Victoria (or Mercury?) with an "Ultimate Edition" tag on the passenger door.  The car looked nice, big, black with tan leather interior. But then, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the dreaded cassette deck.  Why, oh why, are they still selling cars with tape decks in Kuwait?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Never Shocked

In a country with a per capita GDP north of 40,000, I'm no longer phased when I witness  scenes like the one below on a freeway exit ramp. Knowing the #3 cause of death is road accidents, makes things even worse.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Slightly Nicer Than Others

I experienced my first Emirates Airline flight this past week, and can now see why people rave about them.  On a short 1 hour and 10 minute flight to Dubai, I watched a full length movie and ate a full meal!

How did this happen?  Can I freeze time?  No quite, but almost!  The entertainment system (hundreds of movies and more) is accessible from the minute you board the plane.  Genius I tell you.  Please quickly board the plane, find their seats and hunker down.

I have no answer on food, other than to say the crew are great.  We were on a 777, and they did it.

And, for a final touch of class, families with small children get to use these:

Sunday, January 22, 2012

BBQ With A Twist

While in Jeddah for a couple of days, I was graciously invited to a dinner at a Chalet on the sea.  Once again, the generosity of the people I've met has been overwhelming.  As a guest to their country, you are not permitted to pay... and it becomes somewhat uncomfortable.  You can have two, even three, meals with someone and they will not permit you to reciprocate.

The last night, instead of eating dinner at a restaurant in the old souk, we instead had a bbq.  Upon arriving to the compound, about 30 minutes outside of town, I saw two men hand cranking rotisserie.  A few questions later it was clear they were cooking our dinner - baby goat.  Apparently they had been there for about 2 1/2 hours already, and would continue on cranking for another 30 minutes or so.

The food was amazing.  After the meat was cooked, the entire goat, still on the rod, was placed on stands with two large dishes of rice underneath.  We all gathered on the carpets and dug in.  Well, truth be told, everyone else dug right in.  The gringo (that's me) was given a plate and spoon.  It was another one-of-a-kind experiences.  I say that because, if ever offered again, my answer to the next question will be NO.  Question: Will you try some brains?

Great night, great food, great people.  Thanks Jeddah.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Now I've Lived It

A week ago I was enjoying a cold draft beer in Dubai when I bit into a popcorn kernel and cracked a tooth.  Given the option of going to a random dentist in Dubai or Saudi Arabia, I opted to wait a few extra days until I returned to Kuwait to see the dentist.

My experience was dead on accurate to what I've generally heard about healthcare.  The facility was somewhat disorganized, and completely lacked proper signage.  I asked someone where the dental clinic was and they sent me to the 2nd floor.  From there I was sent back to the 1st floor to register.  I filled out a  basic form (name, address, phone #) and was sent back upstairs.

The equipment in the center was top rate.  I had a digital x-ray taken (2KD = $7.20), single tooth anesthesia which was absolutely painless, and a metal filling replaced with a composite one (50KD = $180.00).  In addition to the dentist, there were two assistants in the room.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More Great Bikes

I find it fascinating how in places with tremendous concentration of wealth, you find utter poverty lurking in the shadows.  Below are three more examples of bicycles I've seen while traveling in the Middle East. The top two pictures are from Dubai, and were taken just outside the Dubai International Finance Center. The bottom picture was snapped in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

First Stop... Dubai

Late last week I took my first trip to Dubai.  My travels within the country were limited to a two block radius around the DIFC (Dubai International Finance Center).  Two big thumbs up to the cold beer.  Two bigger thumbs down to the popcorn kernel that cracked my tooth.

The Burj Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world, is a site to see.  When I return in March, the plan is to buy tickets to the observation deck.  Overall though, I was generally unimpressed with downtown.  My fingers are crossed that the Marina and Sea will be quite a different experience.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Riyadh or Bust

Day two in Riyadh has officially begun, and I've yet to snap a single picture.  The combination of back to back meetings, and less than spectacular scenery are to blame.  Yesterday I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in the same hotel restaurant (I also just had breakfast there again today).  The food was good enough, but a bit of variety would be welcomed.

When I was leaving Dubai to head here, the airline agent asked if I had a return ticket... really?   Upon landing, the Entry Card visitors must complete boldly warned drug trafficking convictions are punished by death.  I double checked my pockets for any loose pills just to make sure.