Thursday, January 19, 2012

Now I've Lived It

A week ago I was enjoying a cold draft beer in Dubai when I bit into a popcorn kernel and cracked a tooth.  Given the option of going to a random dentist in Dubai or Saudi Arabia, I opted to wait a few extra days until I returned to Kuwait to see the dentist.

My experience was dead on accurate to what I've generally heard about healthcare.  The facility was somewhat disorganized, and completely lacked proper signage.  I asked someone where the dental clinic was and they sent me to the 2nd floor.  From there I was sent back to the 1st floor to register.  I filled out a  basic form (name, address, phone #) and was sent back upstairs.

The equipment in the center was top rate.  I had a digital x-ray taken (2KD = $7.20), single tooth anesthesia which was absolutely painless, and a metal filling replaced with a composite one (50KD = $180.00).  In addition to the dentist, there were two assistants in the room.

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