Sunday, January 22, 2012

BBQ With A Twist

While in Jeddah for a couple of days, I was graciously invited to a dinner at a Chalet on the sea.  Once again, the generosity of the people I've met has been overwhelming.  As a guest to their country, you are not permitted to pay... and it becomes somewhat uncomfortable.  You can have two, even three, meals with someone and they will not permit you to reciprocate.

The last night, instead of eating dinner at a restaurant in the old souk, we instead had a bbq.  Upon arriving to the compound, about 30 minutes outside of town, I saw two men hand cranking rotisserie.  A few questions later it was clear they were cooking our dinner - baby goat.  Apparently they had been there for about 2 1/2 hours already, and would continue on cranking for another 30 minutes or so.

The food was amazing.  After the meat was cooked, the entire goat, still on the rod, was placed on stands with two large dishes of rice underneath.  We all gathered on the carpets and dug in.  Well, truth be told, everyone else dug right in.  The gringo (that's me) was given a plate and spoon.  It was another one-of-a-kind experiences.  I say that because, if ever offered again, my answer to the next question will be NO.  Question: Will you try some brains?

Great night, great food, great people.  Thanks Jeddah.

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