Sunday, June 3, 2012

Random Pictures of Bikes

Kuwait, and the Gulf in general, is home to a fantastic assortment of bicycles.  Here are a few I saw and managed to capture during my stay.  Only wish I had my camera on my more often.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh The Joys of Jetlag

After finally getting adjusted to the time change between Kuwait and New York, I'm back in Kuwait and totally thrown off.  Late this afternoon I was absolutely exhausted and now that the evening has arrived I'm wide awake.  This however isn't the important and pressing matter.  What is really on my mind is the following: Why does 37 Celsius (98.6F) feel hot when that is your body temperature?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


How is it that twice today while stopped at a traffic light I was asked for directions, and both drivers were surprised when I didn't speak arabic.  

Friday, April 6, 2012

Decay in Kuwait City

For the past few weeks I've been hunting down a bookstore in Kuwait.  For anyone that has ever been hear before, you'd understand finding oil is a much easier endeavor.  Anyway, I was making my second attempt in as many days to locate Q8 Books and after getting off the 30 heading to Soor St. I passed an old building which is slowly transforming into an automotive junkyard.  All around it, and this is the fascinating part about Kuwait, there are beautiful new towers being built.

Q8 Books has a vast collection (if not a refined selection) of used books.  With no other competition, new or used, I expect to be back next week in search of another book.  Biggest mistake to date on my whole trip... no bringing an e-book.

OSHA Violation

For most of the past few months, I have spent a descent amount of time admiring the construction techniques deployed in Kuwait.  To the untrained eye (that would be me), it generally appears as if the builders are making it up as they go along.  I've yet to see anyone reading over architectural plans or pull out a tape measure.  The building outside my office window however has slowly grown to about 10 stories with what appears to be a 10 man crew laboring away.  Outside my apartment on the other hand, a number of buildings have sprouted in just a matter of days.

All of this construction is generally done with primitive tools.  For example, these are images I snapped from out my window (looking South) of scaffolding being disassembled.  I think I'll stick to my desk job.