Monday, November 21, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

For about the 3rd day in a row we are getting hammered with about 2 or 3 drops of rain a day!  I actually saw someone outside with a plastic bag completely over his head and face.

Umbrellas aren't that easy to find here, but really, plastic bag on your face??

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Solo Mission

I'm flying solo again in Kuwait.  My trusty sidekick has gone off to the US for training, and I'm manning the fort.  So far so good though.  I managed to get a descent amount accomplished during the work day, mostly follow-ups from the success meetings we had last week when the team from the States were in town.

Just as importantly, my suit was ready.  I arrived at the tailor (Fitwell Tailor) and found everything was completed to my satisfaction.  Yesterday I was beginning to lose faith that it would be ready before I leave  Tuesday AM for New York, but they pulled through.

Now it is off to get some dinner.  I've let my food stock run low, so off for the next two evenings I'm off to a local take out place.  Order from these places is an adventure because I've found the people working behind the counter don't speak English well, and I don't speak Arabic at all.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Some Truths About Kuwait

1. There is rarely, if ever, a sense of urgency.
2. Shortcuts will unapologetically be taken whenever possible, even at the expense of quality.
3. It is important to know rules #1 and #2 when living in Kuwait.

For example, I went to pick up my suit today.  This was the second time I've gone to pick it up (see #1).  I was most recently told it would be ready by Tuesday.  The suit looks great, except the working button holes on the sleeves I requested weren't made (see #2).  When I first arrived and bought my first suit the button holes weren't made and I accepted a lesser product... but not this time.

So, fingers crossed tomorrow afternoon the suit will be ready...  want to make a bet?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Back To The Grind

Over the past week, a host of visitors from the NYC office were in town.  I was out of the apartment as early as 5:30AM, and often back home well after 10:00 or 11:00.  It was refreshing and exhausting all at the same time.

In addition to the meetings and reception to celebrate the office opening, we managed to get in a few hours on the water.  Unlike my first fishing adventure, on this one, the tides and current worked in our favor.  In under two hours, we caught about 50 fish (6 different varieties) between 6 people.  It wasn't uncommon to have two fish hooked at one time.

This picture represents about half of what we caught.  (Not to worry, all of the fish will be eaten)

A traditional fishing boat, called a Dow, heading back to shore.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fishing From The Beach

I went today to have a suit fitting.  The folks at Fitwell Tailor are A+.  My suit will be ready on Tuesday in time for the Reception.  I'm thinking of getting a classic blue blazer made next.

On the way home, I passed a few people fishing along the beach.  One guy was using a net, and another person was comfortably seated in a chair with a hooka.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I Was Warned... But I Didn't Listen

If anyone ever suggests that you run an errand at the airport when the pilgrims return from the Hajj, don't take their advice.  Although it wasn't as bad as it could have been, the parking lots, roads, and portions of the airport itself were blocked off.  A simple 20 minute task took closer to an hour.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Cricket Photos

I've finally gotten around to pull my pictures off the camera.  Below are the overdue cricket pictures.

Good Morning....

Pigeons Suck

Forgive my vulgar heading, but I truly hate pigeons.  For whatever reason, Kuwaitis (not all mind you) really like them, and the "bodegas" sell seed to feed them.  Right outside the office is a pigeon feeding group, and I'm pretty certain one day soon I'm going to get nailed by one of these guys.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Good For You.... Not So Good For Me

How is it 56 in NY right now and only 52 in Kuwait?  Furthermore, how is the low for the day 54, but the current temperature is reading 52?

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Nescafe? No way.

On the down side, everyone else in the country is enjoying a week off while I'm slaving away preparing for a week of all day back to back meetings.

On the upside, I've treated myself to something other than instant coffee to get the day started.

Probably not an even trade, but as close as I'm going to get for the time being.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Subway Expansion

The 50th Subway location in Kuwait has now opened.  That now makes one additional place I won't be eating at while in Kuwait.

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Chance of Rain

The weather report says there is a chance of rain over the next day, and the temperature is going to drop to a low of 48 overnight on Wednesday.  Somehow the 110 degree temperatures from early September seem attractive again.