Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Maybe Time For A New Sign??

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Pop Up

Pop Up shops have made there way to Kuwait.  What can possibly be next?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Cookies and Ear Muffs

Home made chocolate chip cookies imported to Kuwait = so good!

I'm only wishing I had just one, not two as my supply is limited.  Tomorrow I will attempt to exercise self control and not have any (very low probability of success).

On a completely different topic, I've seen tons of people walking around with ear muffs and hats in the morning when I head to the office.  I'm quite confused by this behavior.  I think the temperature this morning was about 50 degrees.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

I'm Back

After some much needed family time, I'm now back in Kuwait.  Clearing customs took no time.  Getting my bags, just as fast.  Finding the car in the parking lot was a different story.  It was definitely not where I "remembered" parking it.  Next time I probably won't rely on memory alone.

Once in the car, it was smooth sailing home.  I hit a police checkpoint on the 5th Ring (about 5 minutes from my apartment).  They were checking registration, ID, etc.  I flashed my passport and was waved right through.  It is good to be American in Kuwait.